Dolltopia Outtake

"Yo!" Edge greeted and casually leaned her guitar on the box with Dal clothes. "I heard we're going on tour?"
"Well, something like that", Eternia said with a wink. "You're part of Ama's Band, right?"
"Correct, I play in the best band of the world!" Edge smiled and styled her red strand of hair.

Dolltopia Outtake

"Now, that is an uninformed rumour!" Magical Pink-Chan snapped and jumped the queue. "The best band of the world is clearly Dark Delight!"
"Oi, dude, I came first!" Edge complained but was ignored. "And you're talking rubbish, by the way!"
Eternia stood with her hands on her hips. "Aren't you Pink-Chan, Brian's sister?"
"No, civilian, I am Magical Pink-Chan, the beautiful and powerful Warrior of Justice!"
"Err, okay." Eternia glanced over to Tamara and both silently agreed on ignoring that topic.

Dolltopia Outtake

"All right, Magical Pink-Chan, then tell whether you have something to store and you can enter the box rightafter." Eternia tried to take her by the arm to calm her down but Pink-Chan jerked herself free.
"Hands off, you monster! Don't you ever believe that I don't know you're assassins! In due time, Magical Pink-Chan will find you guilty and punish you!"
"Uh-huh. I'm shaking in fear in advance." With an uninterested face Tamara doodled a little sketch in her list. "So you don't have anything to store?"
"I would have something to store if I hadn't been robbed!"
"Oh. Who did it?"
"I don't know, maybe one of you? Or her?" Pink-Chan pointed to Edge.
"Dude, what's your problem?! I've never seen you before!" Edge complained and looked as if she would slay the Guardian of Justice with her guitar any moment.
"Now you make a fool of yourself", Eternia said sternly. "We can call Wati, let's see what the captain of the guard thinks about you spreading lies about adults, young lady!"
"Anyway, great superhero who gets herself robbed." Edge sneered.

Dolltopia Outtake

"Pah! Call your guards, then! Me, the Icon of Justice, isn't bothered by that at all!"
Tamara's gaze was icy. "Or shall we rather call your brother Brian so he can spank you?"
"Brian would never...!" Pink-Chan yelled in anger but then bit her lip. "Oh, darn!"
"Uh-huh." said Eternia.
"Whatever! Whomever took it, I expect them to put my magical microphone back right after the move! In a magical way, so to speak! Then I will turn a blind eye and punish nobody!" Pink-Chan blustered and stomped around the clothes box to enter the box.
"Magical microphone?" Edge snorted with laughter. "Is that the secret of Dark Delight?!"
"No, of course that's my secret weapon, you bungler!"
"We will look for your weapon, Pink-Chan."
"MAGICAL Pink-Chan!"
"So you can punish us decently." Tamara looked at her doodle and thought that it looked like Pink-Chan a lot.

Eternia turned towards Edge. "Okay, let's get going. We'll be happy to store the guitar for you."

"Super. But take care of it, okay. Music is my life."
"Sure, will do. But even if it's hard, in turn please try not to strangle Pink-Chan, okay? She's totally bonkers but her brother is a dearie."
Edge snorted with laughter again and followed Pink-Chan.


Moving - Charlotte and Sakura <-- # --> Moving - Ende and Ra Muw