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This is about board games (90% of which featuring miniatures), miniatures and old tabletop systems. Dorian and I are fans of this hobby for over 25 years and have a massive collection, although we lost interest in the hobby for about 5-10 years inbetween.

All I have in terms of reviews of games and material, my own painting and terrain building tipps, scenarios and other selfmade material will be shared here, although some of it is borderline antique. A big part of this section are the galleries. The German version of this website also offers game reports but I cannot translate those, sorry.

Due to the long pause and several moves a lot has gone missing or requires an update for a long, long time. Almost all gallery photos will be replaced by shiny new versions little by little and many miniatures haven't even been fotographed yet. We don't play tabletops anymore but we are very active and interested in cooperative board games, especially with miniatures. So gradually, I will add lots of reviews, reports and most of all homebrewed material like scenarios, floor plans, cardboard cutouts and houserules. This can be about recent games like Zombicide or about really old systems like the original Warhammer Quest.

In the "Mini-Thoughts" are chatter about the hobby as well as headups about current Kickstarter projects of new games. I only advertize games we back there. Even if you don't like to participate at Kickstarter yourself those entries at least give you an impression what you can expect to see here 1-2 years later (depending on how fast the games are delivered). ;)

In the "Fantasy and SciFi" album of my "Artwork and Photos" section a few very old fanarts can be spotted.