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Here Belldandy is also very young. I always found it interesting that they constantly used their paws for eating but never felt the need to hold the water bottle in place.
As Belldandy grew older she developed a small bald spot on her hip and she lost a lot of hair but otherwise her colour stayed the same.
One day she didn't come out to fetch her dose of vegetables and when I knocked on her pumpkin she staggered and seemed confused. I thought she had a stroke but the vet found a large tumour on her and put her to sleep too. Belle turned almost 3.5 years old.
I never recovered from losing them and when my budgeriar Robin was put to sleep 2 years later (she had cancer too) I decided not to get a new pet ever again. Still, the gerbil cages and toys are still in the subbasement. I couldn't give them away.
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