Deep Madness
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- Hits: 1,514
A cooperative horror boardgame made by Diemension Games that was (due to high costs) only available on Kickstarter and didn't make it to regular shops. The setting of an underwater mining facility paired with cosmic horrors from the H.P.Lovecraft universe give it a tight and nightmarish atmosphere, also thanks to story sequences.
Hero Quest
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- Hits: 944
This game started my love for miniatures around 1990! This album is about the old game, not the new edition. Hero Quest was made by MB (Milton-Bradley) and Games Workshop did the miniatures for them.
Shadows of Brimstone
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- Hits: 1,155
A superb dungeon crawler made by Flying Frog Games, with countless worlds and expansions. Sadly the miniatures are often just mediocre. The album also contains 3D printed alternatives for enemies that come in variants.
Mansions of Madness
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- Hits: 1,539
MoM is a cooperative, gritty horror game set in the world of H.P. Lovecraft. The 2nd edition requires an app to play which controls the enemies and npcs, offers sound effects and digital riddles and often changes the floor plan layout between games. Sadly players often have to look more at the app than at the physical game, but since the miniatures are rather mediocre that might be for the better sometimes.
Yokai Quest
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- Hits: 1,483
Yokai Quest is an adventure game with adorable chibi miniatures set in a mystical Japan theme.
Zombicide Fantasy
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- Hits: 1,137
Models from CMON's coop-hits Zombicide Black Plague and Zombicide Green Horde, plus expansions and Kickstarter stretch goals.
Total number of hits on all images: 177,216