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- Hits: 882
This fantasy football game is very brutal, yet at the same time it has a funnier background than other Games Workshop games.
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- Hits: 675
Our gangs for the first edition of Games Workshops' skirmish game (ca. 1996).
Warhammer 40k
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- Hits: 2,411
Games Workshop sci fi models, mostly from the 80-90ies.
Warhammer Fantasy
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- Hits: 5,098
99,5%of the minis in these albums are from the old Warhammer Fantasy Battles, back when armies still fought in block formation. Back then I collected High Elves and Dorian Wood Elves as our armies. All other miniatures here were bought for use in Warhammer Quest or are a result of the thought "It's almost an army now anyway, let's just throw a few command groups and characters on top to make it complete.". I only played WHF twice.
Warhammer Quest (1996)
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- Hits: 1,529
Miniatures from the original Warhammer Quest basegame, the 2 expansions and the hero packs. All other enemies bought to fill the monster lists are in the Warhammer Fantasy galleries, so this album is quite small.
Total number of hits on all images: 177,442