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This tiny doggie is also from the Pom Pom Puppies book and warmed my heart right on the spot. It's soooo cute! The tiny carrier in the background also came with the book. The dogs don't fit into it though. At least not mine - not without squeezing them to death. That doesn't matter though, they still look sweet as deco.
To achieve the fluffy look of the fur the pom poms were styled with a comb. The effect is great, it was the biggest hindrance in getting new wool though. I bought all sorts of expensive wool for about 50 Euro for testing and not a single one could be combed sufficiently. In the end the only useable wool came from a 1 Euro Shop. They only had two colours though.
I hope to be luckier one day as I'd love to make more dogs and also think up cats and other animals.
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