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My 11th and last pony from "Friendship is Magic". If not for the glitter in the hair I would have put this pony aside as a nobody since it has zero similarity with Fluttershy! Sorry, of course it's obvious as day that the moulds of the major characters were re-used over and over for the other ponies, but Fluttershy IS a major character! Who thought it was a clever idea to save on one mould and repaint Rainbow Dash?! Fluttershy's mane is long and silky, she doesn't have short wild bangs like Dash!
Oh well, 11 ponies from that series are enough for me and the box at the shop is empty. While I'm still missing Pinkie Pie the probability to get nothing but duplicates from a new box is too high for me. This isn't important for me, these ponies are rather a carrot to entice me to walk around in the evening in this backwater village. There is nothing else to buy. ^^
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