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For the penguin I wanted to see my plans for the snow owl in action by not using sequins on all parts.
First off it got a basecoat of black and white acrylic paint. The photo isn't completely accurate on that account since I decided to not make Tux but a regular penguin. So I also painted the beak and feet black after taking this picture.
It's belly was painted with a mix of acrylic varnish and white glitter, which required two layers. Caution: Only use acrylic paints and varnish on polystyrene. Almost everything that comes from a spray can and all sorts of aggressive glue (like superglue, for instance) melt polystyrene to a tiny, pathetic puddle.
By mixing the glitter directly into the brush-on varnish it doesn't fall off now. Nothing is worse than having glitter stuck everywhere. I happily forfeit part of the glitter effect for avoiding that.
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