Rilakkuma Happy Food Market #7
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Huzzah, a bento box! Although - is it called a bento box if it only has one layer? To be honest, I don't know. In any case here we have a full meal in a nice packaging, complete with sauce and chopsticks.
The off thing about this is the chicken purse, though. It is printed on the series' box several times with several exclamation marks, so it's important. I found it in this set - but it's NOT on the photo of this set. So I suppose the purse is a special item which is included in one set of the box, maybe always in this one and maybe in a random set. As an incentive to buy a whole box.
Since I can't read Japanese this is just my assumption since like I said this item is neither on the ad photo nor on the flyer photo of this set.
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