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Celtos was a fantasy tabletop made by I-kore which is based on Celtic folklore. It was released in 2002 with only 4 armies - Gael (Kelts), Fir Bolg (Undead), Fomorians (Orcs and Goblins) and Vanir (Dwarves). We were one of the demo teams, but sadly I-kore folded soon afterwards. Therefore, Celtos is hard to play since there was only an army book for the Gael.
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Crucible was a fantasy tabletop wargame by Ral Partha. Its most interesting features for me were the Inka-looking orcs and the pumpkin creatures, but we never actually played it and it was canned even before the designs I waited the most for were published as minis.
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Demonworld is in 15mm scale, so the miniatures are just about 1 inch tall. One of the few German products out there, although we never mustered the patience to actually play it.
The Dark Eye miniatures
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This miniature line was first produced by Hobby Products and later switched to Ral Partha. These are old miniatures for the "The Dark Eye" fantasy roleplaying game by FanPro.
Doctor Who
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Miniatures from the "Exterminate!" tabletop wargame and the miniature line by Warlord Games and from the "Time of the Daleks" board game by Gale Force Nine.
Excalibur Miniatures / Fearless
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Excalibur Miniatures is/was a German manufacturer. There was a figure line with generic fantasy and sci fi minis of all kind, an erotic line and their sci fi system Fearless. Here are the few minis we liked, including Fearless since Dorian played in a local league. No, none of the "erotic" minis, lol.
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Miniatures from Fenryll are made of Resin and thus break easily, but as usual for French companies they have spectacular designs and a knack for scantily clad women... The miniatures in these galleries have all been bought around the year 2000.
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Mithril produces miniatures for the world of Lord of the Rings for decades now. The minis in this album are old, though.
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RAFM are a US-based company that is mostly known for their historical miniature lines (ww2 and such), but I only own fantasy minis made by them, like Death in the Dark.
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