There are 4 sub-categories in this category
- (1 image)
- Hits: 1,742
Bauhaus is kind of an optical mix between German spiked helmets and France in Warzone and it's Dorian's preferred fraction.
- (1 image)
- Hits: 1,102
The Brotherhood is the religious army in Warzone. Their main purpose is to stop the Dark Legion and preserve old cultural treasures. They are also the only ones allowed to use magic. Brotherhood is some sort of shared army between Dorian and me - none of us ever played them but each paints some minis for them.
Dark Legion
- (1 image)
- Hits: 1,753
The Dark Legion is the mysterious power which pours through the gates to take over the universe. They field demons, undead and cultists.
- (1 image)
- Hits: 1,780
Imperial is my main army because I liked the models best. They correlate to the British.
There are 4 sub-categories in this category
Total images in all categories: 126
Total number of hits on all images: 177,462
Total number of hits on all images: 177,462