Welcome to the Dolltopia Archive!
This is my cancelled first try on a photo story. Thus, that story is NOT complete and parts of it will be recycled in the new version. So read it on your own risk! In this Version Eternia and Nareen Demetri (from Seekers) were the main characters, together with Giselda (also from Seekers), since it was originally intended to entertain the readers of my comics.
The story was cancelled because after a move everything from the camera to the lighting changed rigorously and it was impossible to make new story parts match. Apart from that this story was only meant to show my progress in building a dollhouse in a funny way and it started when I only owned two dolls. Thus it's very unprofessional from start to finish, full of blurry pics and written without a plan. It is funny to read but these days I want to tell the stories of all these people in a better way. I also wanted to replace Nareen as a main character since her story is written in Seekers and the character in the Dolltopia story was never true to her. It's still a nice reminder of how few things I started out and what crude, simple materials often had to do.
Since the story was originally published on a forum the texts are rather short. My old offtopic comments are added in italics.
One day she awoke in the body of a doll on the desk of a woman called Eph who claimed to be the author of the Seekers story. Slightly confused about whether she's the true Nareen or some weird avatar Nareen quickly became used to her situation.
New readers, don't worry. I stop breaking the 3rd wall after a while and the dollhouse will look much better in later chapters. ^^ This started out as a fun way to show how the dollhouse was build and developed into a story with autonomous characters later on.
Pretty soon it became clear that her living on a desk was uncomfortable for doll as well as author, so Eph gave her a new home. A dollhouse was erected in the study and Nareen moved in.
The doll felt a bit forlorn in the empty rooms and without the company of her only friend, but she was promised to get roommates and everything she needed to live on her own. As the author had been quite surprised to find her to be so... lively, though, she was told not to expect a luxury home right from the start, as most things had to be organized first.
Nareen hadn't expected much but she was a bit shocked to find the place this spartanic.
For starters Nareen recieved a makeshift bed, an endtable and a box full of things.
"What is it, what is it, what is it?"
Excitedly Nareen ripped open the box and took a peek inside. Although it seemed completely impossible her face turned even paler than usual.
"What?! Kitchen stuff? Oh noooo! I can't cook! Gosh, I wish Gisi was here."
"This will be tough." With a sigh Nareen sank down on the daybed and looked musingly out of the non-existant window into the space of the study where she couldn't make out details though. "I might manage to butter bread, then I won't starve."
Secretly she hoped for a roommate who was a better cook than her.
When she moved a bit her bed made a crackling noise.
"Oh great. Polystyrene. At least the mattress is made from foam."
Still thankful for a place to sleep Nareen went to bed. She was way too tired from the move to be hungry.
On the next morning she found that a few new items had appeared overnight.
"Huh? Where does this hat stand come from? Is that handbag for me?"
Nareen scratched her head in wonder. While Eph's taste was rather weird from time to time a bright yellow hat stand struck Nareen as an odd choice. She liked the handbag though.
Then her eyes caught on to something.
"That is... that is...!"
The handbag was probably the first thing I handmade for my dolls. ^^ Err, and Nareen's outfit, of course (minus boots!).
"This belongs to Cato!"
Nareen grabbed the rucksack that peacefully leaned against the hat stand and cuddled it to her chest.
"I just know it! This is hers!"
She closed her eyes and remembered all the adventures they had shared.
"Now that her rucksack is here it must mean that I'll meet Cato again one day!"
I bought this rucksack for a Cato doll but still haven't made her.
After she calmed down Nareen went to the upper floor to distract herself for a while. When she was almost done putting all the kitchen stuff on shelves she heard Eph rummaging in the study.
"Hey! What did you say, when will the doors for the kitchen counters be delivered? And the oven? And the ceran field? Oh, and the sink?"
"Soon!" With that Eph vanished out of sight.
Nareen sighed. "I guess then I'll have raw pumpkin for supper."
A shuffling noise behind her startled Nareen. As she turned around her eyes met with a wool doll that she had never seen before. It looked familiar though.
"A... Akshi? Is that you?"
The wool doll clucked and nodded. "Ga gock!" it said cordially.
"Nice to meet you too! Although I rather expected a Pullip to move in with me."
"Ga gock gock!"
"Huh? You found this cockatoo and search a nice home for it? Oh, I don't know... Just look around, I don't even have a table or a cabinet or anything... I'm not equipped to keep pets."
"Well yes, you're right. I certainly have room to spare. Okay, I'll take him in for a few days. What's his name? Pete? Okay. Hello Pete!"
"SCRAAAAAWK!" greeted Pete with a roaring voice that betrayed his little body.
"Oh my!" Nareen gasped for air, then raised an eyebrow. "Pete my sweetie, you better stay quiet."
< - # - > Dolltopia Archive 02