The door opened and a small felted doll entered the livingroom. She had a big smile on her face and chirped: "Hello everyone!"
Nareen blinked. Then she blinked again. And a third time.
"Gi... Giselda? Giselda, is that you?"
"Yes, it's me! The best beastmaster of Clan Sawara! Giselda the wingling, at your service!" Giselda exclaimed in a joking voice.
When Akshi saw her best friend the hen stormed out from behind the sofa and jumped at Giselda.
"Aw, I missed you so much too, Akshi! Whee, you're even more cuddly as a doll!" Giselda laughed and gave her familiar a tight hug.
Pete peeked around the corner and watched the newcomer curiously. The zombies just groaned.
"Giselda, it's really you!" Nareen was speechless.
"Glad to be with you again, Nareen!"
"But... but Giselda! Why... are you so small? Shouldn't you be a Pullip like me?"
Giselda giggled embarrassedly.
"Well... you know... That was a question of budget, I'm afraid to say. The boss couldn't afford to give me a Pullip body, so she spent many hours needlefelting me. And here I am! Okay, maybe I am small. And a bit chubby. But I can still cook! Eph sent me here so you guys don't starve!"
The wingling grinned broadly. Then she became more stern.
"Besides, once she has the money... the boss said I will transform into a true Pullip one day!"
"I'm sure you will be a stunning Pullip!"
"Sure! Eph says she wants to do it right. Besides, I'm very content with this body. I'm cuddly!"
"Oh Giselda, I'm so happy that you're here! Welcome to the dollhouse!"
Nareen gave her a hug.
"Wow. You really are cuddly!"
Giselda giggled.
Shortly after Nareen made herself comfortable on the kitchen bench while Giselda started to cook.
"Phew! This counter is quite high! Good thing you didn't throw out all the packing cases yet!" the wingling said with a laugh.
Nareen was so happy she almost floated. Seeing an old friend again cheered her up and the smell that came from the cooking pots tickled her nose pleasantly.
"And you really don't mind cooking for us, Gisi-chan?"
"Are you kidding me? I love cooking! In my adventurer career I never get enough chances to do so!
When I made the kitchenette I didn't think about the wingling cook. ^^
"What's that delicious smell?" Within one second Eternia had stormed the kitchen and seated herself next to the necromancer. "Did you order Chinese takeout?"
Nareen giggled. "No, we have a new roomie. May I introduce you to Giselda? Giselda, this is my friend Eternia."
"Giselda! Of course! I read all your comics too! I only knew you were good at eating, but also at cooking? That's great!" Eternia exclaimed. Nareen kicked her shin under the table.
"Ha ha ha. Hello Eternia. Nice to meet you!"
This whole kitchen is so trashy it was actually almost cool. Almost.
"You came just right too. Dinner's ready!"
Giselda served them steaming hot rice with fish.
Eternia gasped. "Real food! I'm in heaven!"
Nareen gasped too. "Giselda, I thought you were vegetarian."
"Well, I am. That doesn't stop me from cooking meat and fish though. I'll just have some of the rice. Enjoy your meal!"
I spent a heap on Re-ment items. The candleholders are Playmobil though, I just painted them.
"Eternia, you're right. We are in heaven." said Nareen in an awestruck tone after she took the first bite.
"Oh yes, we are. Heaven would be better without zombie stench though."
On the next morning Nareen awoke to the unpleasant sight of two zombies in front of her bed. She was getting used to it though.
To her surprise Eternia was waiting for her at the door.
"Oh, good morning Eternia! You didn't go to work already?"
"Actually I just came back. There was a delivery of a new armchair for me, can you help me carry it?"
"Sure..." said Nareen with an uneasy feeling in her belly. "Whom did it belong to?"
"It's brand new and super comfortable for sleeping so I quickly called dibs when I saw it. Oh, we have to bring out our current sofa though, some other dolls will come and fetch it."
"Oh, I see. Phew! I'm coming!"
"Aaaaah, what a boon for my poor back." Eternia lazed off in her new acquisition after supper. "This was a very successful day."
"Yes, it was!" agreed Nareen who noticed they also got a few other new things. "I wish your chair was less pink though."
"Neener!" The doll laughed, then paused for a moment. "It will stink like zombie tomorrow. Damn."
The armchir is actually a jewelry box with a mirror inside.
Dolltopia Archive 07 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 09