"Do you think this will be enough food for everyone?"
"Don't worry, Nareen! I have another load of cookies in the oven and will refill the drinks." Giselda said cheerfully. She brought Akshi and Pete to the party, and even the little hedgehog Ozzy came outside.
Nareen giggled. "It all looks so pretty! I can't wait for the party to start!"
Yay, I even got the garden wall finished and painted in time!
"Hey, Nareen! I have some bad news! The Rozen Maiden won't make it to the party."
"Aw. I have no clue who they are but more people would have been nice." The necromancer took a cookie and mumbled to herself, "Maybe the weird girl from earlier today will show up, or LovelyLocks will reconsider and come back."
"But my friend just crossed the garden gate!"
"Hey gals! There must be an apple cake somewhere around here. I could smell it even from a mile away." The newcomer said with a smile.
Eternia laughed. "Yes, Giselda baked us a lovely apple cake, indeed, and just wait until you see the other goods!"
When she noticed Nareen's curious look she added, "Let me introduce my friend, Tamara Squall to you. Tamara, this is Nareen Demetri."
"Hi! Nice to meet you!" said Tamara.
"Hello! Your dress is gorgeous!" Nareen was in awe, especially at the olive skin and ample cleavage of the other woman. She reminded her a bit of Cato.
"Why, thank you! I bought it from a costume shop. It was the only thing that fit."
Tamara (originally a Pullip Squall) wears an old dress from a cheap Barbie knockoff doll that I recieved as a child. I had to fix it up and make it a bit tighter around the torso but then it fit her well.
"Don't make me laugh; the only thing that fit. You just bought that to brag about your bosom." Eternia grimaced.
"Hey, I can't help it if nature was generous to me!" Tamara disagreed with a mischievous smile. "But since this seems to be a girl's party - where would be the benefit to showing off?"
"Uhm... guys?" Nareen was slightly embarassed.
"Ah, sorry about that. We've been friends for so long we don't even notice when we offend someone with our banter." Tamara turned back to Nareen. "You're wearing a very cute costume too! Do you mind if I test the cake?"
"Sure, help yourself and don't hold back! Giselda says she has way more food in stock."
"Excuse me for a moment. I haven't seen Tamara for so long." Eternia followed her friend towards the food.
When she was sure that Nareen was busy talking to Giselda, Eternia spoke very softly to Tamara. "So, you found me."
"Of course. Did you think you could run from us forever?"
"No. I just hoped I could have more fun before you showed up again." Eternia said with a sigh.
"Who says we can't have fun together? I was sent to find you, not to ruin your days." Tamara scoffed in a friendly way.
"Is he around too?"
Tamara shook her head. "Not yet, but he's on his way."
Eternia sighed and her friend hissed, "You should be careful. Arashi was very angry about your betrayal."
"Yeah, yeah. This wouldn't be the first time he's ticked at me."
"... and then Akshi ate every single berry on the bush and she was so full I had to roll her back down to the village because she couldn't walk anymore!"
Nareen giggled at Giselda's story from her youth. "I wish I could visit your home village."
"Uhm... Excuse me?" said a voice from behind them.
Nareen turned around to find she was faced with a handsome young man she'd never seen before.
"Please excuse my intrusion, the garden gate was open," the stranger said. "My name is Wati."
"Hello Wati!" chirped Giselda. "Wow, that's a cool costume you've got there!"
"Sorry, I don't understand. This is my regular attire." Wati seemed confused.
"Oh." Giselda blushed.
"Hello Wati. Did you come for our party?" Nareen asked in a friendly tone.
He shook his head. "I'm afraid not. Actually, I'm chasing a thief who stole the bellydancer outfit of our lady djinn from the clothesline. Have you noticed anything suspicious?"
Nareen snorted and whirled around. "Eternia! You promised you wouldn't steal again!"
Dolltopia Archive 12 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 14