The next morning Giselda and Nareen cleaned up.
"Eternia went to bring back the djinn costume. I hope she won't annoy Wati again!" Nareen mused.
Giselda giggled.
"Phew! We're done! This tabletop is heavy." Nareen wiped the sweat from her brow.
"Sorry I couldn't help that much! Sometimes being tiny is not so nice." Despite her words Giselda had an impish grin on her face. Then she added: "Eternia also said she has an appointment with the boss later. I wonder what it's about?"
"Maybe she'll have a word with her about our kitchen wall!"
Due to the shininess of her face Nareen really looks like she's sweating. ^^;
"If someone has the courage to do that it's her." Giselda agreed. "This is really a bummer. I hoped to put up a lot of shelves there for all my kitchen stuff."
"Well, there's still a little bit of space... But if we get only one more roommate..." Nareen stared at the wall.
I regretted placing this wall right away. The kitchen is really tiny now.
"What is behind this wall?" The necromancer put her hand against the wallpaper and wondered if she had missed any memo. "There is a new door in the corridor too, but it's locked!"
There hadn't been any noises from the other side.
"It's such a mystery!"
Her soliloquy was disturbed when someone stormed into the kitchen and waved. "Hi guys! I'm ho-ome!"
Nareen looked at the visitor and blinked. Then she blinked again. "Uhm... And who are you?"
"Nareen! Don't you recognize your old pal Eternia?! Some friend you are!"
"E... Eternia?!" The necromancer's jaw hit the floor.
The other woman just sat down on the bench. "Yeah. I told you I had an appointment with the boss."
"Yes, but... your hair... your eyes... your clothes... what?!"
Giselda seemed more relaxed about the situation. "Hey, I like it! You don't have my eyes anymore!"
"I was getting tired of my old look, so I told the boss I wanted something new. And here I am!"
"But... even eye surgery!" Nareen shuddered.
Eternia didn't seem to notice her. "I wonder if Wati would like me better now? I bet three cookies he won't even know it's me!"
"My new contacts are so sparkly I bet I could seduce him in no time!" Eternia laughed, lost in her naughty dream world.
"Wah, I don't want to hear it!" Nareen rolled her eyes. Still, she was impressed by the total change her friend had gone through. She was like a totally new person. And as pretty as usual.
"But didn't it hurt?" asked the necromancer worriedly.
"Hurt? Naw. It was just new contacts and a hair makeover. And look at the new outfit I got! I didn't even expect this but the boss handmade it for me and even had me shoes imported."
"Aw. Lucky you." A slight shadow fell over Nareen's face.
I made the shirt and skirt myself. They were amongst the last things I made before I got a sewing machine, and as usually it shows. *laughs*
"Huh? Is something the matter?" Eternia had noticed her friend's gloomy mood.
"No, it's nothing. It's just... Sometimes I would like something else to wear too. It seems just because I wore this in the comic first I have to wear it everyday now."
"Hm. Don't worry. It'll be Christmas soon! You can wish for something new then!"
"Christmas?" Nareen never heard of that.
There was a knock on the door downstairs.
Eternia got on her feet. "I'll explain it to you later, you hillbilly. Seems like we have a visitor now."
Nareen went downstairs too, followed by a curious Giselda. "I hope that's not Lady LovelyLocks, bringing back her zombies!"
Dolltopia Archive 14 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 16