On the next morning Nareen was in for a shock.
She awoke lying on the naked floor.
"Huh, what the..."
After a quick glance to the left and right she let out a scream.
Since I'm a dummy I modified the livingroom before taking these pics. So I had to use a fake wall to hide it.
Eternia pounded down the stairs from the kitchen where she had spent half the night making plans for the Christmas dinner with Giselda.
"Nareen! What happened? I... aaaaah!"
The livingroom was empty. Completely empty.
"What the heck?! We were robbed?!"
"That's the punishment!" Nareen cried bitter tears. "Punishment because we wrote that greedy list! Now Eph doesn't love us anymore!"
She cried so hard that Eternia felt a twinge in her heart.
"Hey, stop crying. I'm sure it's something else. Maybe we were really robbed!"
"No! No, it's all your fault! All the fault of that wishlist! I'm a doll! Being loved is my reason to live!"
This almost made me cry. ^^;
"This is an outrage!" Eternia mumbled and sat down besides Nareen. She waited impatiently for her friend to calm down. "Even if this was Eph's doing, she has no right to take all our stuff away without an explanation. We're dolls, not Sims! And she isn't the Hand of God!"
"I shouldn't have wished for a calendar." Nareen didn't listen to Eternia's ramblings, lost in her own thoughts and still sniffing. "I just wished for too many things. But I just wanted to keep track of all our new friend's birthdays."
She sniffed again. "I'm such a bad doll."
"Wow... What's going on here? That's quite a drastic change in style." Tamara wandered in with a bewildered look on her face.
Both dolls answered simultaneously.
"We were robbed."
"We were punished."
"So, which one is it?" Tamara asked.
Eternia sighed. "Maybe both."
"So you think you were dispossessed?" Tamara sat down with the other two. "Now that's harsh."
"I don't understand why she didn't tell us..." New tears welled up in Nareen's eyes and she quickly wiped them away.
"It's an outrage!" Eternia was steaming.
"You already said that."
"It's so rude!"
Giselda came in with a compassionate look on her face. "Hey... why don't you come upstairs to the kitchen for a cup of hot cocoa?"
"That's the best idea I heard today." Eternia helped Nareen to her feet.
Shortly after they felt a bit more like themselves again and Eternia got her steam back.
"We're gonna search for her."
"What?" Nareen was confused.
"We're gonna search for the boss and demand an explanation!"
"And if she won't give us our stuff back we're gonna kick her behind!"
Tamara chuckled. "Good luck, guys."
"Come, Nareen! We'll start our search in the livingroom! Giselda, you watch the dollhouse!"
Dolltopia Archive 20 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 22