"What's the commotion about? I heard a lady scream! Do you need assistance?"
"Oh, hello Wati." Nareen greeted the man who came running towards them.
Eternia's face lit up. 'Wati!' She squared her shoulders.
"Good morning, Nareen. You look distressed. Has something happened?"
"We were robbed, Wati. First our livingroom was left empty and yesterday our kitchen was gone."
"That is terrible! I will send out my guards to look for the culprit!"
Eternia came closer and batted her eyes. "You are such a gentleman to help some poor ladies in distress, prince Wati."
"It's my job as captain of the palace guard to keep this region free of bandits, ladies."
"Oh, I didn't know that." The necromancer was impressed. She still wondered where the castle was, though.
"It was so terrible to wake up and find out we were robbed! The only thing left is a kitchenette. Prince Wati, would you spend the night with us to guard it?" she asked sweetly.
Nareen sighed. "There she goes again."
"Ah, I knew you looked familiar." Wati let out a resignated sigh. "You're the blonde from Halloween."
"Aw, you remember me! I'm so happy!"
"If you excuse me now, I will go and instruct the guards!"
"Hey! But what about protecting us?!" Eternia protested.
Wati seemed to be in a hurry all of a sudden. "That thief won't escape us!" he yelled. "You won't need protection."
"Well, that sounds logical." said Nareen.
"Oh, shut up." Eternia was grumpy again.
"I don't believe it! Turned down again!" Eternia gritted her teeth. "What do I have to do to make him like me?"
"Uhm... isn't he in love with the lady djinn? I think it was you who found out."
"Ah, details! That's no reason not to go out with me."
Nareen was flabbergasted at that comment. "Uhm... ah..."
Eternia put her hands on her hips. "Who's that coming down our garden path now?"
"I told you, this place is a romping place for strangers!"
"I have no idea who that is." said Nareen while they watched the stranger.
"Me neither. She looks like she's searching for something though."
"I'm booked to capacity with people who search for something."
The stranger approached them silently. "Good day, ladies." a warm and soothing voice said.
I made this cute witch's cape myself, from pattern to execution.
"Hello." Nareen smiled at the woman. "Can we help you? Are you lost?"
"Not lost, merely searching." The woman seemed amused. She was pale as the moon and the look from her deep red eyes was clear and sharp as ice.
"Searching? For missing furniture, maybe?" Eternia inquired.
For a moment the woman seemed confused. "I think not. Actually I look for a place called the dollhouse. Can you show me the way?"
Nareen was surprised. "Oh, of course. It's right over there. But what do you want at our house?"
"I was told it is my new residence."
"What? Huh? Who? Who said that?" Eternia shrieked. 'If that is another plan of the boss...'
"So far I resided in the showcase. One day Lady LovelyLocks brought home those awfully odourous zombies though and I was unable to stay."
"LovelyLocks! So that's why she took the zombies back. She wanted to get rid of you, that hag!"
"Eternia!" Nareen interrupted sharply.
"But I'm right!"
"So you moved out because you can't get along with the nice zombies. Who told you to move in with us then?" the necromancer wanted to know.
"Lady LovelyLocks herself advised me to move here. She said the inhabitants would welcome me and showed me an eviction notice signed by the queen."
"That 'queen' must be Eph. Well, if she moved out because we let the zombies go, we have to take her in, at least for a while. It would be rude not to." Nareen shrugged helplessly.
"But she's... she's a..." Eternia pointed at the stranger.
"What do you think I am?" the stranger sweetly asked. When a crooked smile parted her lips for a moment, shiny white teeth flashed. Pointed teeth.
"You're our guest for as long as you like." Nareen stepped in and smiled.
"She will eat us!" protested Eternia.
The necromancer insisted through gritted teeth: "If the queen wants it done like so, we comply."
"Oh man... Okay, okay, I don't care. At least we have room to spare now, so make yourself at home."
"Thank you, although I'm not sure why you treat me so harshly."
"I'm sorry." Nareen explained. "We're going through a hard time right now due to a robbery, so Eternia has kind of a short fuse lately. This isn't directed at you... err... what's your name, anyway?"
"My name is Elizabeth. Countess Elizabeth, to be precise, but as my new cohabitants you may call me Elizabeth."
"Welcome Elizabeth! I am Nareen and this is Eternia."
"You could also call them Dork and Silly!" said a high-pitched, clearly annoyed voice from out of nowhere.
Dolltopia Archive 24 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 26