On her way back to the house Giselda felt as though someone was watching her.
She turned around and saw a fluffy creature hiding behind the tree. It stared after Eternia and almost looked human, but the wingling wasn't sure.
"Huh? Hello there! I'm Giselda. Who're you?" she chirped.
The creature jumped. "Whaaaa?" it yelled, surprised to be detected.
The creature looked around, as if searching for an escape. When the girl - for that's what it was, of course - noticed the only way out was forward, she quickly ripped off her dress and hid it, then plummeted down into the snow.
"I'm just a cuddly little teddy bear!" she growled sweetly. "Uhm... brrrrrrm! Brrrrrrm!"
Giselda, who had never seen a bear in her whole life but knew of even weirder creatures and was able to understand animals just like humans, believed her on the spot.
"Aw, it's a cuddly little teddy bear! Come here, let me cuddle you!"
"Waaaah! Gotta get away!" The 'teddy' jumped up and ran away. "I'm busted!"
"Come back here, teddy bear! Pleeeease! Come back!" Giselda followed her.
"Am I late? I bet I'm late! I... huh? Oh hello!" Nahh-Ati stopped dead in her tracks. "Nareen, right? Oooh, I'm so bad with names! Sorry if I got it wrong and..."
"No, you're right." The necromancer laughed again. This girl was so bubbly she'd surely get along great with Giselda.
"Waaah, I'm in your garden again, right?"
"Yes, luckily so! I was hoping you'd come along!"
"You wanted to see me? Knock me down with a feather! Why's that?"
"Do you like our Christmas tree?"
"Ooooooh! I didn't notice! It's totally uber-cute!"
"We're having a big Christmas party. Do you want to come too?"
"Meeeee? You invite me to a party? Oh wow!" Nahh-Ati's eyes sparkled happily.
"So you'll come?"
"I'll have to ask my sister for permission first."
"Oh, okay. Ask her to come too, please. I heard so much about her, it would be nice to make her acquaintance."
"I can ask but I doubt she'll come. She hates wearing shoes, you know."
"Wow, I better run home right away to ask. There's not much time 'til tomorrow!"
Nareen gasped. "Wait a minute. You mean... Christmas is tomorrow?!"
"Yes, of course. You didn't know?"
"Oh my! I thought there was still so much time!"
Nahh-Ati giggled. "You know how it is. Time flows differently in Dolltopia!"
"I better go inside and help the others finish the preparations then."
"Okay. I'll drop by later and tell you if I may come! Bye!"
"See you!"
"Tomorrow! Oh my! The others must be totally stressed right now, especially Giselda!" Nareen hurried into the house.
Dolltopia Archive 33 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 35