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1998 we played a Magic Knight Rayearth fan roleplaying game based on the rule system Big Eyes Small Mouth. We didn't come very far but this is my brother's character.
Akane is a 12-year old schoolgirl. Living as a temple maiden, she is skilled in the use of metal warfans. After she gets teleported to the magical land of Cephiro, she develops magical powers, commanding the element of wind to do her bidding.
Back then my husband had just shown me how to create and use layers in a paint program and I made my first baby steps in digital colorization by bucketfilling ink and pencil drawings. Sadly I didn't know the PSP file format back then and thus always saved my work as Tif - which meant losing all those layers. Lol. So the only thing I could do about this picture was to clean up some gray noise from scanning. Apart of that it's left in the condition it was before.
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