Image information
*drums* The hatching of my youngest pet, Dunkelherz the eyrie. Sadly after a while he wasn't an eyrie anymore (not even a "he" anymore) since I went to the lab ray with him every morning. At the time I drew this, he was a moehog (kinda like a cow), but he was a lot of different races and colours, including a pineapple, a unicorn, an elephante and a mutant bat, so... ^^;
When I put him up for adoption that hurt a little bit. His current owner made him an underwater unicorn. At least something luxurious!
Here's the disclaimer:
Peophin, Bruce, Meridell, Acara, Eyrie, Moehog and their character likenesses Copyright 2003 Neopets.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used With Permission
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
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Total number of hits on all images: 179,105