3D Prints
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3D models that we printed at home on our Elegoo Mars with water-washable resin. They are either just for painting, for digital rules or to make homebrew warbands for existing games. In case of proxies as well as officially sold models for existing games, they are mostly in those specific albums (e.g. Patreon models for Signum or proxy Elves for Chronopia).
Models were either bought on MyMiniFactory, Cults, Patreon or Kickstarter or free downloads from Thingiverse etc.
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Miniatures from all kind of boardgames, e.g. Shadows of Brimstone, Zombicide, Mansions of Madness, Deep Madness, Super Dungeon Explore, Yokai Quest, Hero Quest etc. If it has a game BOARD it counts as a boardgame. Caution: Warhammer Quest and similar games by GW are in the Games Workshop album down below!
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Our favourite fantasy tabletop skirmish system, formerly published by Heartbreaker, then Target Games. Superb rules and mega heavy armoury. It was revived for a short while by other companies and is currently (2022) in the hands of Uhrwerk Verlag, Germany. The depicted models in these albums are all old, though.
Clan War
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Being a big fan of AEG's fantasy-Japan-RPG Legend of the Five Rings of course I also jumped on the matching tabletop. It was released in 1998, so the miniatures are quite old. Once I finally painted more minis I will sort them by army, so far that sadly makes no sense.
Games Workshop games
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Albums for big and small GW games, e.g. BloodBowl, Necromunda, Warhammer Fantasy, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Quest etc pp.
Games Workshop is the top dog amongst miniature companies but always played third fiddle in our interests and collection, apart from Warhammer Quest.
Legends of Signum
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Signum is an Ukrainian studio. They create very detailed miniatures for Legends of Signum, their skirmish tabletop game with townbuilding aspect. The miniatures in this gallery are made from resin, some bought from their webshop or Kickstarter and some bought as STLs and 3D printed at home.
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Rackham was a French company with extremely high standards in miniature design. Their game systems Confrontation, Ragnarok, Hybrid and Cadwallon used the same miniatures. Biggest downside was the constant release of ungodly amounts of limited miniatures which eventually put us off collecting.
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Reaper produces all kinds of fabulous fantasy characters, monsters and even furniture. Most of our minis are over 20 years old and cast in metal. And they are all still available today, in metal and often also in low-cost plastic.
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Void is a science fiction game that was published by I-kore. Later on it was re-published under a new name by Urban Mammoth afaik but since we already had enough miniatures we didn't follow that development.
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Warzone was my favourite Sci Fi tabletop due to the low tech background. Rules, design and story are just superb. Heartbreaker Hobby Games published several editions of the rules as well as the models until they folded. Warzone has been resurrected several times, the last edition was by Prodoss/Archon who made fantastic resin models. We only own a few of those, though, since we're very happy with our old minis.
More Minis and Systems
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A depository for games we seldom or never played and minis that we only bought for painting or as ideas for other games. So, rather small galleries, fantasy and sci fi.
Doctor Who, Celtos, Demonworld, Crucible, Fenryll, Mithril, Hobby Products, DSA, VOR, Fearless etc etc.
Miscellaneous Miniatures
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Various miniatures which still need better photos and albums of their own later. Global Games dragons, Grenadier models...
Total number of hits on all images: 184,093