Homemade Meals #4
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Perhaps I judge this series too harshly but it just can't convince me when compared to some of the older series where you also got a plate and cutlery or more side dishes. These aren't truly "homemade meals". When I look at the "European" series in this album there is just that much more love in the items. Just look at the half-peeled lemon, the multipart cake etc. This series here was published at around the same time as the equally boring supermarket series. By now there are new series with colourful sweets and licensed characters again and those are much more creative again.
The only cool thing about this series is indeed the bread machine - and that's only because it's the only one I've ever seen. But I'll just wait for another series which features one. After all I only got the waffle maker and toaster on the second try (read: from another series than planned) too.
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