Unused Wacky Wingling
Image information
Some will find this picture lame since there's almost exclusively my own SD avatar on it, others will see it as a special treat: a complete, unused and even inked Wacky Wingling!
Since Giselda is depicted only very tiny on these panels I cut the strip into two parts. The other half will be uploaded tomorrow.
I drew this comic many, many years ago when I took some weeks off from drawing. These days I don't like it anymore, partly because I'm on hiatus for so long and don't want people to think it's just due to THIS and partly because it's so outdated.
This comic is about playing on the Playstation 3 all throughout my "vacation" and what games I played. The depicted games in this half are Everybody's Golf, Little Big Planet, Resistance 2 and Motorstorm, where I was barely able to drive around a corner because I'm so effing bad in racing games, ha ha. In Little Big Planet I had plans to build and share Seekers levels but gave up eventually. Mostly because of time constraints but also because a PRETTY level doesn't make for an EXCITING level and I don't think I'm a good level builder in that regard.
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