Hero - Trederran Veteran (female)
Image information
Here is the Trederran lady from behind. Contrary to the male sculpt she has hair. She's also definitely one of the best hero models. While I had to re-sculpt some tube and it's not utterly clear how her backpack is fastened to her back she still has a lot of details.
The plan was for her to be my character in the current campaign with colleagues, but in the end I decided to only be the gamemaster and play the monsters. Since the Trederran isn't native to any hero world I'll most likely use her in the planned Japan-troop, a two person campaign between my hubbie Dorian and me. Although I'm not sure whether I'd rather forfeit the Kitsune or the Geisha character then. Hmmm... gotta think that through.
Painted by Eph
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