Void Spiders
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All 12 Void Spiders, done! I'm so proud of myself! *sob* Never before did I manage to paint a squad as large as this. (I'm proud of myself, anyway, since including these I actually managed to paint over 30 minis in one month! More often than not, that's more than I get done in a whole year...) These are the new models from the Revised Edition of the "City of the Ancients" basegame. They have much crisper detail than the old Void Spiders.
They got a light grey basecoat and were shaded with White Contrast paint from GW, then drybrushed, of course. The back was accentuated with thinned down blue metallic paint. Two of the spiders are customized. I cut off all legs and glued them back on in different angles, so the spiders rear up and show some of their pretty teeth. Sadly they are now top-heavy and require a bit of putty on their hind legs. The actual plan was to put them on acrylic bases, but they only fit on 40mm bases, which are larger than the squares on the game board. (Big monsters like the Night Terrors have such bases.) Since that would have resulted in a tremendous chaos of overlapping bases I just put a bit of superglue on their toes and called it a day. Superglue is harder than varnish and thus protects the paint better from wear and tear.
Painted by Eph
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