"Yaaaaaawn! Oh, I slept so well!" Nareen felt relaxed and warm, her belly still full with the delicious cookies from the other day.
Poor Nareen, always has to sleep in her full outfit.
"Huh?" The necromancer was startled. The zombies were in the livingroom. Both stretched their arms in the air.
"Are you guys trying to copy me?"
Intrigued Nareen lowered her arms again. The zombies did the same.
"Hm. Is that a new game of yours? He he. I think I have an idea."
"And one and two and streeeeetch!"
The zombies did their best to copy Nareen's early morning exercises, groaning all the while.
"Hey, not so lazy, pink hair! Raise your arms reeeeeeally high! Being undead is no excuse for losing shape!"
I had a much better pose in mind but Nareen's head was too heavy to stand like that, ha ha .
"Aaaaand jump! Aaaaaaaand jump! Keep moving guys! I gotta work the cookies from yesterday off before they settle down on my hips!"
"Yo, Nareen! Good morning!" Eternia was seemingly in a very good mood.
"Oh, hello Eternia!" Nareen lost her rhythm which in turn caused the zombies to stumble over their own legs. The necromancer ignored the chaos in her back and asked: "Is something the matter? You are so cheery!"
"Hah, of course! We're gonna have a party today!"
"A party?"
"Yes! Today is Halloween, Nareen!"
"Hm." Nareen was puzzled. "Halloween. The only thing I can recall about that is how our super deformed likenesses always get dressed up in silly costumes."
"And that's exactly what we'll do today! Halloween means lots of pumpkins, scary stuff and wearing costumes! We have a necromancer and zombies - scary enough. I'll go and fetch costumes now while you go and help Giselda with the preparations."
"Well, if you say so. I surely wouldn't mind having a party."
"Fine! See you later then!"
"Hello Giselda! Eternia said you need help with party preparations?"
"Aw, that's nice of you that you want to help! Could you fetch me another pumpkin or two from the garden, please?"
"Okay, I'm on my way."
Dolltopia Archive 09 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 11