"Look. Eerie, this is a nicely sized pumpkin, isn't it?"
"Right. Let's take this one. Can you take one too?"
Here the garden wall is under construction. Quite a mess but better than the plain white backdrop last time. I cut over 600 "stones" from cardboard to finish it.
"Excuse me, please." said a soft and shy voice.
Nareen looked up and noticed a young woman she had never seen before. Her face was white as porcelain and her eyes black as coal. The necromancer felt oddly attracted to the stranger. "Oh. Good day to you! Are you a visitor? Can I help you?"
"Good day to you too." said the women with a polite bow. "My name is Mir and I am looking for my sacred gem. Have you seen it by any chance?"
"A sacred gem? I can't remember seeing anything like that, I'm sorry. Surely it must be precious to you."
"Oh, it surely is. It vanished from my temple and now I can't go home without it." Deep sorrow showed on Mir's face.
"Aw, I'm so sorry to hear that. So it's a magical gem?"
"Yes, it is. The gem calls the mighty Dragon of Darkness to the night sky."
"As a necromancer I'm not so good in sensing magical auras but I'll keep my eyes open." Nareen promised.
Mir's eyes lit up. "Thank you so much, noble necromancer! This lowly being appreciates your willingness to help." She bowed again.
"Err... it's okay, really. I haven't done anything yet. But... how can I contact you in case I find your gem?"
"Don't worry about that. I'll know if you do."
"Now this was a weird encounter of the third kind." whispered Nareen to Eerie as they made their way back to the dollhouse. "Grab a pumpkin and follow me quickly. I get strange vibes from that girl."
Nareen didn't look back and so she missed how Mir vanished right through the massive garden wall.
Overexposed and blurry, I'm such a pro!
When they came back to the livingroom Eternia was already waiting for them.
"Wow! Eternia, you look stunning." said Nareen who almost didn't recognize her friend.
"Ha ha, thanks! I was just waiting for you!"
Actually I wanted to sew Halloween costumes for both, but I also made the lamps (from cardboard) and so many other things for the dollhouse that I ended up using existing clothes.
"Here's a costume for you. Quick, try it on!"
"Hm, okay. Just let me put the pumpkin away first."
"I'm so excited to see how it'll look on you. Hopefully it fits!"
This is the outfit of Pullip Nahh-Ato, minus the veil.
Nareen started to undress, then paused to take a closer look on the dress. "What kind of costume is this, anyway? I've never seen something like this before."
"That is a magical girl costume! You know, some kind of beautiful female super hero with magical powers."
"Uhm, isn't that rather something for younger girls than me?"
"Hey, do I look like a bellydancer in real life? Costumes are for pretending."
"Alright, I'll try it. Thank you for your confidence that I can go as a beautiful heroine." Nareen laughed.
Eternia joined in to the laughing. "I told you before you should work as a model too."
"So that's why you're afraid that I might be too fat for this?"
"Huh, what?!"
"You said it might not fit."
"I meant it might be too loose on you!"
"Oh." The necromancer blushed slightly.
"Say, you're not very shy, huh?"
"What do you mean, Eternia?"
"I mean getting undressed in the middle of the livingroom with people... uhm and zombies... present."
"Oh, that." Nareen let herself flop on the bed. "That's something that rubbed off on me from Giselda, I guess."
"You're looking terrific in this costume!"
"Why, thank you! It's quite comfortable to wear a short skirt for a change. I wish I had something like this for every day."
"You're still missing the gloves and boots."
"I don't think the boots fit and I'll leave the gloves out until I'm done helping Giselda."
The Sailor Moon costume belongs to an actual Sailor Moon doll that my husband once got for his birthday from friends who thought it was funny.
"Alright then! The whole gang's ready for Halloween!" shouted Eternia as she struck a pose in the middle of the room.
Nareen followed suit and even the zombies got into the mood.
"Huzzah for the Halloween gang! Ready to party!"
All of a sudden there was a knock on the door.
"Aw, come on. Who's that now?" Nareen sighed.
Dolltopia Archive 10 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 12