"Good day to you!"
"Lady LovelyLocks?! Have you come for our party or is something wrong?" Nareen's heart skipped a beat. Was this still about furniture?
"We even sent back the sofa when we got this super comfy chair!" Eternia chimed in. She flopped on the armchair and could barely keep a straight face.
LovelyLocks kept a safe distance from her. As if she could read thoughts she said: "No, this isn't about furniture, don't worry."
"Then what is the matter?"
"To cut straight to the point: I came to take the zombies back with me."
"Whaaaaaaat?! After all the trouble I went to to get you rid of them?!" Nareen threw her hands in the air.
Eternia burst into laughter.
"So I take it you don't want to give them back to us?" LovelyLocks turned around and hid her face in her hands. She sobbed. "When they were gone we understood how mean and unfair it was of us to shun them like that. They never did anything to us and yet we treated them like monsters. We..." she sniffled, "we want to make up with them."
"Uh... But..."
"Please give the zombies back to us! I beg of you!"
Eternia almost dropped from the armchair, shaken by heavy laughter which completely destroyed the melodramatic atmosphere. LovelyLocks glanced at her sharply.
I don't know why LovelyLocks ended up so evil in my story. Maybe because she was always so nice in her stories. And because I already have so many nice characters, ha ha.
Eerie put her hand on LovelyLocks shoulder and moaned compassionately.
"Oh. You want to come back?" LovelyLocks asked full of hope.
The pink haired zombie joined the duo.
"Wow." said Nareen. "It seems they do like you, despite how you treated them. If they really want to go with you I won't stop them, of course."
"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you so much!" LovelyLocks was overjoyed. "Lady Nareen, I knew you were a woman of honour. Here, take these as a present and as a thank-you for caring for our zombies for this long."
She took out a handful of pixietails and offered them to Nareen.
"Uh... err... thanks but..." The necromancer tried to decline but one of the pixietails promptly jumped on her head and settled down there with a soft squeal of delight.
"No, no, I don't want to hear no. Just take them and thank you so much for everything. We'll go now. Have fun at your party. Bye!"
"Bye..." Nareen waved, astounished about the sad feeling in her chest.
An evil smile lay on LovelyLocks' lips. She was relieved that everything went over so well. "Bye bye... and have fun with your new companion. We'd rather have the stinkers back than spend another day close to that thing that showed up once they were gone. He he he." she thought silently as she left, the zombies behind her.
"Why was she in such a hurry all of a sudden? LovelyLocks could have joined us at the party."
"No idea." said Eternia, who was still wiping tears from her face from all the laughter.
"I feel lonely already. The house is so empty with them gone. Is our party ruined now?" Nareen was sad.
"Are you nuts?! We can finally breath again! Besides, I invited a friend to our party, and there's still Giselda and Akshi too."
"Oh! Giselda! We're supposed to help her in the kitchen!"
"Privates Nareen and Eternia reporting for duty, sergeant!" shouted Eternia as she sat down in the kitchen. She and Nareen saluted the wingling.
"Ah, there you are! I need some help here, gals. Nareen, please stir the doughnut dough. It's on the counter."
Giselda was bustling with activity.
"Eternia, take these tubes and add icing to the finished cookies, please."
"Aye aye, Madam!"
"On the FINISHED cookies! Not the raw ones!"
"Wow, it smells so good in here!" Nareen gushed while stirring the dough as instructed.
"Especially without those zombies around!" added Eternia.
"The zombies are gone? How sad!" Giselda gave Eternia a piping bag. "Will they be back in time for the party?"
"No. They went back to their old home." The necromancer wondered if they would finally be happy there now.
"Done! All cookies are decorated!" The blonde did her best to distract Nareen from her sad thoughts.
"Great job!" Giselda said appreciatively. "I can take care of the next load. Will you take the table and food to the garden, please? My legs are so short it would take me forever."
"Sure thing, Gisi." Eternia got up. "Lend me a hand, Nareen!"
Nya ha ha, zoomed in because they took so long to make! I made the doughnuts, cookies and the pumpkin lantern on the right from FIMO (very first try ever!) and painted them just in time for these pics. There's always so much hidden work in each chapter you wouldn't believe it.
Dolltopia Archive 11 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 13