Unnoticed Nareen went out into the garden. She took a deep breath and enjoyed the early evening air.
"Aaaah, how nice. Tamara is right though, it's getting very cold."
A few loose leaves here and there was all that was left of autumn. Nareen was kind of sad that the pretty red and golden vines were gone.
"That wall is so empty now."
Well, quite the opposite of her home. The dollhouse was rather full right now.
"It's strange. The house is so crowded and yet I feel a bit lonely. Why is that?"
Maybe it was all a bit too much for her. For most of her life she had been alone and now there were so many people all of a sudden.
"Oh no, I'm late, I'm late! Argh, why am I so clumsy!"
"Huh?" To her surprise Nareen noticed a girl in the garden. With her long hair and dark skin the stranger reminded her a bit of Cato. Just a little bit. She seemed to be much younger though.
The girl was fumbling with a backpack. Nareen went closer.
"Hello!" she greeted. "Can I help you?"
"Huh? Oh, hi!" the young girl smiled nervously. "Is this your garden?"
"Uhm... yes, it is. My name's Nareen."
"Hello Nareen! Sorry to be trespassing. I'm late for afternoon school, so I took a shortcut. But I lost my backpack, so I had to come back, and... ah, I'm sorry."
Nareen laughed. "Ha ha. Now take a deep breath. What's your name?"
"Oh, right!" The girl giggled. "My name's Nahh-Ati, nice to meet you!"
"Oh, then you're the lady djinn?"
"No, that's my sister, Nahh-Ato! I'm still in highschool."
'Her parents were not very creative namegivers...' the necromancer thought to herself.
"You know, your shoes look familar."
"Do they? Someone left them at our palace but nobody came to claim them. They're cute, so I kept them. Are they yours?"
"Naw, you can keep them." Nareen chuckled. 'One less pink thing in the house!'
Of course Nahh-Ati is actually a Nahh-Ato Pullip. My first one is original except for her eyes. This one I bought nude and with open hair for customization.
From the corner of her eye Nareen saw a sparkle.
"Huh, what is that?" she wondered and stooped to take a closer look at the object.
It was a small bag made of velvet with an intricate metal ornament. A red cord with a knot held it tightly shut.
"Is this yours, Nahh-Ati?"
The girl eyed the bag curiously. "No, I've never seen it. It's cute! What's inside?"
"I don't know. It's locked." The knot wouldn't budge. Now that she held it in her hands the necromancer felt a slight magical aura emanating from the bag.
"Ah! I think now I know whom this belongs to! This must be the jewel the pale girl was looking for on Halloween!"
"I hope you have her number then, so she can get it back."
"Oy... She said I'd hear from her again, so I'll keep it safe until then."
"Great idea! It was nice to meet you, but I really have to run now or the others'll get mad at me!" Nahh-Ati said and grabbed her backpack tighter.
"Oh, sure! Drop by again for some cocoa sometime, okay! See you!"
"Wow, I will! See you!"
Dolltopia Archive 16 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 18