
"And what is this?" Eternia peeked behind double doors. "Whoaaa! It's a build-in wardrobe! Cool, we can store my futon here during the day and have more space to walk."
Her head vanished inside the wardrobe. "It's... damn, it's huge! Wait a second!"
The doll vanished completely in the wall.


When she didn't return after several minutes Nareen started to worry.
"Hello? Eternia? Are you alright?" she called into the darkness.

"I'm okay!" Eternia's voice resounded like she was standing in a large cave. "I'm on my way back now!"


Eternia slammed the door shut behind her. "Nareen! You won't believe this! That wardrobe is as large as a warehouse! It even has other exits!"
The necromancer stared at her. "Huh? You mean people can come in through that wardrobe?"

"Probably. I haven't thought about that. The other doors are locked from the outside. Crazy!"


"So what?"
"What kind of clothes are there? Are they pretty?" the necromancer inquired excitedly.
"Sorry Nareen, the wardrobe is completely empty. Maybe Eph will fill it on Christmas?"


"Aw." Nareen couldn't hide her disappointment.
"What's wrong, Nareen? You had that sad look on your face when I showed you my nightie too."
"It's just... I don't want to sound jealous, but I told you I'd like something new to wear too. You get so many new things and I never get anything. What am I doing wrong?"


"Perhaps you're just too nice, Nareen. You should... hey, what's that?"
"Don't try to change the subject, please. It's a cute faerie poster."
"I don't mean that! What's that white scrap peeking out from under your blanket?"
"Huh?" Nareen turned around. "You're right. What is that?"


The necromancer pulled away the bedding and found a white nightgown beneath it. She squealed with glee.
"Look at this! It's my very own nightie! The boss truly still likes me!"
Eternia looked over her shoulder. She was happy for her friend but was otherwise unimpressed.


"Hm." she said while sitting down on the bed. "That's pretty plain though, and unsexy."
"Oh, stop it! I'm a doll! Being sexy is not on my priority list at all." Nareen giggled, completely immune to any criticism. She cuddled the nightgown to her chest like a precious treasure. "Besides, this is exactly my style. I love long white nighties, just like in the faerietales."


"Well... good for you then!"
Eternia took another look around. "Nareen, this Christmas is great already! This is finally starting to look like a real house!"
"You're right."
"If Giselda and Akshi sleep here with us, we'd all be pretty safe from the vampire too."
"There are vampires around? Do tell!" Nareen gasped.
"Gosh, I always thought Giselda was the naive one!"
"Whatever. Let's go and tell Giselda about what we found!"


Dolltopia Archive 29 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 31