"Whoa.... Whooooaaa!" The dolls had tossed up for who was going into the new room next to the kitchen first and Nareen had won.
"Eternia! It's a bathroom!" She was overjoyed. "It's a bit small, but it's a bathroom!"
Eternia squeezed into the small room. "Just to make that clear, this will be the only day we share this!" she added as she tried to fit in.
"Wow, I'm so glad." said Nareen. "I must confess... with all that work and all the good food we had lately I started to worry about sanitation."
"We have a tub! And a large window for peeping toms!"
"This is the second floor, Eternia!"
"Aw! Damn, I feel like I'm in one of those home improvement shows on tv!"
"I'm sure even Elizabeth will like this room. Who wouldn't like a bathtub?" Nareen smiled.
Eternia had a thought. "Whoa! Alright, let's settle this right away, Nareen. This is my room, okay!"
"What?! You mean I may not use it?!" the necromancer protested.
"No, no, not at all. Use it all you like, but..." she thought of a good way to explain, "But I want to decorate it. Please. Let this be my project. I don't want black in the bath or I'll get suicidal!"
"Uhm... Oookay... but promise it won't be pink!"
"Gah! Why do you think I'd do that? Pink isn't even my favourite colour!"
"So you promise?"
"Yes, I promise. It'll be pretty once it's finished."
"Once it's finished?" echoed Nareen. "Why? What don't you like about it?"
"Well... err... maybe this little note on the wall is a giveaway? It says 'sink goes here'. I guess Eph didn't get that finished in time."
"Ah, that must be the dreaded water tap shortage again! The kitchen is still without one too!"
"At least we can use the tap on the tub now!"
"Yes! Let's go and look at the other room now, shall we?"
"Okay. You go on ahead; I'll be there in a minute!"
When she was alone, Eternia took a closer look.
"Yep, I have some very good ideas for this. Need to get another wishlist out to the boss!"
She laughed and followed Nareen.
Since Nareen got the first peek at the bathroom, it was Eternia's turn to check out the other room first.
With a giggle she went in and crowed with delight.
"Nareen! We have a bedroom!"
What you can't see is that this bedroom is build into a moving box. I couldn't afford a bigger wooden dollhouse yet and I didn't have space for it at that time either.
Nareen followed her and sank down on her old bed. She was very relieved.
"Wow! This is so pretty! A window, shelves, even a cute poster!"
The poster is a motif by Meredith Dillman. The framed picture shows my Wacky Winglings, of course.
Eternia was busy checking out the things on the floor.
"Just as I thought! It's a futon bed for me! How great, this is just like home!" She spread the mat and bedding all over the bedroom floor. "Woohoo! It's even large enough for two! Just make sure you don't step on me in the mornings!"
The sofa in the background is from a Steffi Love livingroom set and has been repainted. (It was pink, what else.) The wallshelves are painted cardboard, the build-in wardrobe too. I sew the futon and everything on the sofa myself (except for the nightie).
"Hey, check this out! I believe this pillow on the sofa is for my bed too. And I even got a sexy nightie on top!"
Her eyes sparkled with glee.
That nightie is Barbie, but I had to shorten the top A LOT to make it fit.
"Ha ha ha!" Nareen laughed, but in reality she felt a little twinge in her heart again. Why was it always Eternia who got new clothes? The necromancer had been sleeping in her everyday clothes ever since she moved in.
That little downer couldn't dampen her happiness about the room though.
"That sofa might be the perfect place for Giselda to sleep. I bet she'd love the plush pillow."
Dolltopia Archive 28 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 30