"... and he tried to sell me a pony, can you believe that!" Elizabeth laughed.
Nareen stumbled right into a discussion about horses. "Whoa... You guys sure are having fun."
Even Giselda was still in the livingroom and listened intently to the horse story.
"Hey Nareen, welcome back!" Tamara said.
The necromancer took off the hat and sank down on the sofa. "Ah, it's so warm here! I was just told that Christmas is tomorrow! Did you know that?!"
"Of course." Tamara didn't even blink. "You didn't?"
"No, I didn't! We invited so many people!"
"Don't worry," Elizabeth said softly. "The house is decorated. Everything is ready to welcome your guests."
"I'll bake and cook most things tomorrow so they're fresh. Tonight I'll mostly cut up the vegetables and prepare some dough," Giselda explained as she got up. "My feet are warm now, so I better hurry up and start my work! Akshi's probably wondering where I am." She laughed and left the room.
"I'll go and see if I can help her. Maybe I'm not a good cook, but I'm good with knifes. Perhaps I can learn something in the process. See you later!"
Tamara followed Giselda.
"Oh." said Nareen. "Now I feel useless, but the kitchen will be pretty crowded with two people."
"Is there really nothing left to do?"
Elizabeth just smiled and all of a sudden the necromancer felt awkward.
"Aw, I'm sorry. All of this must be pretty annoying to you."
"Annoying? How so?"
"You just moved in today and we keep running and buzzing around you. We barely had time to talk and make plans on where you stay and all. Surely it was a very exhausting travel and you'd prefer some rest."
"Oh, don't worry. I'm fine. I haven't felt this alive for quite a while." she chuckled.
A chilly breeze carressed Nareen's shoulders when the front door was opened and someone came in.
Mere seconds later a women stormed into the livingroom and put down a parcel full of weird stuff.
"Hello, I'm hooo-ooome!"
"Uhm... And who are you?" Nareen asked.
The woman took off her hat and stood with her hands on her hips. "Nareen! It's me, Eternia! You don't recognize your roomie - again?!"
"Eternia?! What happened to your hair?!"
"Well, I met with Libra to get some things for the bathroom. It turned out the boss had expected that already, so the faerie just handed me this box of stuff. The style is right down my alley, so there was no need to complain, and I saved so much time that I seized the chance to get a new hairstyle."
"But... but why? You only had pink hair for a few days."
"I like change." Eternia winked. "And Arion hates red hair, remember? Ho ho ho!"
"Like an angel's locks." said Elizabeth.
"I hope Arion likes angels. If I play it right this might also give me another chance with Wati."
"Eternia, you're weird." Nareen shook her head.
I dunno, this wig doesn't suit Eternia's character that well. It does look cute when she wears her bonnet, though. It's from the Hello Kitty Pullip, I got it 2nd hand and damaged, but fixed it best as I could.
"Nareen, if you're not interested in men, that's your choice. But I won't let a party filled with gorgeous guys go to waste."
"Full of gorgeous guys? So far we've only invited Arion, right?"
"Ah, that's right, you still have no clue who he is. He might bring his band. And we still have to invite Wati!" Eternia pointed to the box. "I have to furnish the bathroom, but I think I saw some people on their way to the house. Nareen, can you check to see who it is?"
Nareen, who was happy to see mostly green things in the box, put on her new hat.
"On my way, my lady!" she laughed and went outside.
Dolltopia Archive 34 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 36