Hero - Frontier Doc (female)
Image information
This is the female version of the Frontier Doc, a hero class from a Hero Box. These always contain the male and female versions of a hero plus all the necessary materials to play that class.
Both version of the doctor come with variant arms, one with a bone saw and one with a specimen jar. For the female doc I decided on the saw. The sculpt is rather mediocre (like most Brimstone models, and especially the heroes) and does not bear much resemblance to their portrait. Hairdo and dress are completely different, the details on the apron are painted on to have at least a little bit of detail, and ears are some unknown body part for many heroes. I had to cut away a lot of the left shoulder until the folds were mostly acceptable. On the other hand she was a rather quick paint job and will do her job nicely until Dorian has finished painting a plague doctor to replace the mini.
Painted by Eph
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