When they entered the livingroom their guest had already let herself in.
"Tamara!" Eternia's voice was shrill. "What are you doing here?!"
Tamara Squall seemed used to her friend's sudden changes in appearance, as she didn't even blink. "Hey guys! I moved in closeby and thought I should come visit my new neighbours."
Nareen wriggled out of her jacket. "Wow. Does that mean there are other dollhouses around?"
Tamara wears an old Barbie dress. I replaced the Barbie logo with a tiny dragonfly.
"There are some small flats, although no grand mansions as yours." Tamara explained.
"So, that means you'll come visit us more often now, huh?" From the tone of her voice it was hard to tell whether Eternia was thrilled or annoyed by the prospect.
"Oh, do you want to invite me? Thank you! If I could I would even move in!" Tamara smiled.
"Err... No vacancy, sorry."
"Ha ha, I know. Your house is very pretty but it must be quite cramped already with three girls and a bunch of pets." She looked around, then shivered. "It's a bit chilly though. You never heard of winter?"
"We still have to see about that." Nareen admitted.
"Anyway. If you don't mind I'd like to drop by from time to time. I'm missing a lot of amenities in my own place. And to be frank it's quite boring too. Your friends seem like a funny lot, Eternia."
"And the food's so good, right?" A mischievous twinkle was in Eternia's eyes. Nareen giggled and sat down on the armchairs' armrest, close to her friend.
Tamara raised an eyebrow at that. "Oh. I knew you were friends but I didn't know you were that kind of friends."
"Hey now! We're not. You're the one blocking my armchair." hissed Eternia but she was visibly amused. "You're just trying to distract us from the question of food!"
"Alright, I admit it. I don't even have a kitchen. And your friend Giselda is an awesome cook!" Tamara said with a sigh.
Akshi strolled by and sat down by Nareen's feet. When the guest noticed her she got up. "Oh! I almost forgot! Of course I didn't come alone, I brought my furry friend."
Nareen sighed. "I should have known it. The obligatory pet."
"Filou! Come here, you rascal!"
A white dog with a neckerchief barged into the livingroom. Something small was struggling, hidden in his muzzle.
"May I introduce to you: my dog Filou."
"Waaaaah!" yelled Eternia. "He has Ozzy!"
Filou is a FurReal Friends toy with a handmade neckerchief. I regret getting the white dog a bit, as he's often overexposed in the pictures.
Within a second she was on her feet and almost kicked the dog in the process.
"Get your dirty teeth off my Ozzy, you beast!" she screamed. Her boot barely missed its goal.
Startled, Filou let go of his victim and jumped back with a yip.
Nareen was on her feet and even Giselda came running to see what the commotion was.
"Whoops!" Tamara said. "I'm sorry. Filou, you bad dog!"
Eternia ALMOST kept a karate kick pose but in the end her right knee was too weak to keep her upright.
"From now on keep your monster away from my poor Ozzy!" Eternia quickly grabbed her panicked pet.
"Aw, come on. Filou is a rascal but no monster." Tamara giggled. "You've never been the type to keep a pet anyway."
"Neither were you!" the model countered. "Times change."
Giselda promptly started to play with the newcomer. "Such a cute doggie!" Akshi watched but the hen looked very uncomfortable.
"It's okay, I promise that Filou won't cause any trouble anymore." The dog leapt on Tamara's lap and she stroked him gently. "I'm sure he was just a bit overexited. He must be pretty bored too."
"Did you find him in France?"
"What, because of his name? No, I didn't. I found him in India."
When she heard the old friends talk Nareen felt a bit like the odd one out. She quietly sat down on the bed to not disturb them.
'Eternia said they've been separated for a long while. Surely they have a lot to talk about.'
"I love it!" said Giselda. Startled, Nareen looked up. "Huh, what?"
"I love having more pets around!" The tiny beastmaster smiled so broadly that her face was almost shining.
"Giselda, is there any living creature that you don't like?"
"No, nobody." the wingling said promptly.
Nareen had to laugh. "Sometimes I wish I had your sunny nature."
"Nareen, are you feeling unwell? You look so pale."
"No, I'm okay. I'll just get some fresh air."
"Okay. In the meantime I'll prepare supper! Take care!"
"Guys, would you prefer rice or noodles for supper?"
"Cake!" said Tamara.
"Cookies!" said Eternia.
"Wow, such healthy food choices." Giselda rolled her eyes.
Dolltopia Archive 15 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 17