The next morning Nareen was lured to the kitchen by the smell of fresh tea and happy murmuring. She found Eternia and Tamara sitting at the table which was covered in glittery paper scraps.
"Good morning! Huh, what's going on here?"
"Hi Nareen! Sorry that we started without you but you've been a real late riser today!" Eternia laughed apologetically. "That's not like you, by the way."
"Sorry, I must have been exhausted from walking in the cold yesterday. I feel fine though." The necromancer took a closer look. "What're you doing there?"
"We're making paper stars for Christmas!" Eternia explained.
"Rather, we're trying." Tamara corrected her flatly.
"Well, okay, the results vary. But it's the thought that counts!"
Giselda giggled.
"We even put up drapes with stars!" Eternia pushed Tamara aside so that Nareen could see better. "Here, aren't they pretty?"
"That's a +3 in comfort level, huh." said Tamara.
The scenery is a watercolour painting by Terry Harrison. It's removable to exchange it in winter.
"Ooooh, yes, I like them! Can we leave them on forever?"
"Err... actually they're for Christmas, but if you like them so much... sure, why not!"
"And now that the stars are done too we have time for the important things!" The redhead looked very happy. "Giselda, would you please hand me that pencil over there?"
"Sure, here you go. What do you want with it?"
"Thanks. We're gonna write our wishlist now!"
"Wishlist?" Nareen wasn't sure she understood.
"I told you, getting presents from the boss is first priority. So, we write a list of things we want so Eph knows what to give us. Let me start as an example. Hm..." Eternia pondered for a few seconds. "I want... new shirts. And a teddy. A blanket. More chairs for the kitchen. Jewelry..." She started writing everything down.
"Shouldn't you be more specific about what you want, Eternia?" asked Tamara, who, as a non-resident, didn't mention wishes.
"Are you crazy? If I write 'I want a blue shirt' I would only get one shirt! 'Shirts' is so vague she'll probably give me several to make sure I get my favourite colour." Eternia explained with a smug look on her face. "Let's see... I also want a stereo. A tv... Nareen, what do you want?"
"Me? Oh... Hm... I'd like a new outfit. And a nightie. A jacket to wear in the cold. A necklace, maybe. A heater for the livingroom. Knitting needles. Yarn. Oh, earwamers would be nice. Another armchair so we can all sit down. Oh... did I get carried away?"
"Naw, it's perfect!" said the redhead who diligently wrote down all of Nareen's wishes. "Ho ho. A bathrobe. A comfy pillow to cuddle..."
"Eternia, you're greedy." Tamara was having a hard time trying not to laugh.
"No, we have to be thourough! We only get one chance a year at presents!" Eternia waved her arms.
The necromancer had some concerns. "But don't you think Eph will get angry at us if we're too greedy?"
"Hello-ooo! The boss loves us! She'd never get angry. So come on, what else do we need... Oh, a Christmas tree, of course. Tree ornaments. Pants. Tights. I want a jacket too. And a cute hat. Damn her if it isn't cute! A wardrobe or something. A pony. No, that was a joke. A horse. A pool for the garden..."
"Giselda, what do you want?"
"Huh? Me?" The tiny wingling had watched her like she'd been hypnotized. "Oh... I want... a candle so I can read my picture book in the evening. A toy for Akshi so she can play with Pete. And some more pots for the kitchen."
"Okay, what else?"
"Nothing else."
"No. That's all."
"You're so boring."
Two hours later...
"... and a laptop. Hah! That's it! We're done!" cheered Eternia.
Nareen stared sheepishly at the heaps of paper on the table. "That is really an awfully long wishlist. Are you sure Eph won't get mad at us?"
"Now don't be silly, Nareen. You asked that five times already and my answer won't change. No, she won't get mad. She'll be happy to make us happy!"
"If you say so..."
Tamara just raised an eyebrow and stayed silent.
Dolltopia Archive 19 <-- # --> Dolltopia Archive 21