When Nareen wandered up into the kitchen on the next morning to feed Pete she was in for a surprise.
"Now look at that! Eph can't be serious!" she said to Akshi who sat on a pile of scrap IKEA planks.
"The kitchenette has drawers but no knobs yet! And look at that shoddy cardboard tube that holds the table! And what IS that thing you're sitting on?!"
Akshi just clucked and smiled.
"EEEEEEPH!" Nareen yelled.
Eph peeked around the corner. "I guess you found your new dining set then."
"Why can't I have real furniture?!"
"Because I can't afford a China import right now."
"And why don't you build me something nicer than... than a cardboard tube?!"
"Because then I will never get my other work done. You eat up most of my free time anyway, tiny lady!" With that Eph went back to the livingroom to pretend to work.
"Argh... How can I invite guests to a house like this?" murmured Nareen.
Akshi made a wise comment and said "Gock.".
"Make up for the lack of furniture with my charms? Hey, I'm not Giselda, you know!"
Yay, painted Playmobil candles. ^^
"Maybe you can make up with a cup of tea then?" said a voice from the other side of the kitchen.
Nareen looked up and noticed a blonde girl that she had never seen before. How did she enter the kitchen without making a noise? "Uh... and who are you?" she asked.
The other doll struck a pose. "Hah, I'm Eternia, your new roommate. Pleased to meet you!"
For a second the necromancer just stared. "R... roommate? Eh... Wow!"
"You're Nareen, right? I read all of your stories!" Eternia smiled.
"Err... yes, of course. Nice to meet you too!" Nareen quickly bowed. The overconfident demeanour and sharp voice of her guest reminded her of Cato. Only a little bit though. Yes, definitely only a tiny little bit. Her eyes though... her eyes reminded her strongly of Giselda.
"Sit down, I'll make us some tea!"
Eternia's dress and socks were handmade by me back then.
"Now, tell me something about you. So your name is Eternia, right? What is your profession?" asked Nareen when they sat together on the scrap pile with cups of steaming hot tea in front of them.
Eternia took a sip of tea, then her lips curled up painfully when she found it was still too hot to drink. She coughed. "Oh, I'm a model. Currently I mostly model brideswear."
"A model..." The necromancer was awestruck when she imagined all the pretty gowns that Eternia would wear on her job. "Doesn't it feel weird to wear a wedding gown just for fun?"
"Naw, it's just a job." Eternia shrugged.
Nareen slowly turned her cup between her fingers. "About the roommate thing though... While I enjoy having company we have a little problem there. This dollhouse only has one bed so far."
"That's no problem. I'm out for work most of the time so I'm sure we can arrange something. Take turns or something like that."
"Or we simply steal the sleep sofa from the Lady LovelyLocks dolls in the showcase!" Eternia seemed excited at the thought.
Nareen giggled. Then she looked up. "Ugh, but that's from Barbie!"
"Yes, so?"
"Please tell me it's not pink."
"So you don't like pink?" asked Eternia.
"Not if it's Barbie pink." Nareen admitted with a frown.
"But I wear pink too!"
"No, no, no, your dress isn't pink! That's... burgundy, that it is." the necromander quickly assured her new friend.
Eternia giggled. "Well, good thing that we have settled that!"
"Thank you for the tea Nareen, but I've gotta go to work now. I'll be back late, don't wait for me."
"Oh, you have to go already? Alright then, see you!"
After she was gone Nareen watched Akshi and Pete play for a while. She had gained quite a large family in this short time.
When Nareen woke up and stretched next morning she was in for a surprise!
There was new furniture in the livingroom. A sofa, an armchair, even a fur in front of her bed. She sat up and looked around more closely. After she rubbed her eyes she noticed Eternia, who calmy sat in the armchair and looked at her over her shoulder.
"Good morning, Nareen!"
"Uhm... good morning, Eternia. What is all this?"
"I told you the Lady LovelyLocks dolls had some furniture."
"They gave it to you just like that?"
"Yeah, that was no problem. They didn't need it anymore."
"Oh, that's nice." Nareen crawled out of bed. "You slept in that armchair?"
"Yes. It's quite comfy, actually. Come over here and test the sofa!"
Eeeks, dollhouse boundary visible! Bad Ephie!
"Not bad." commented Nareen when she tested the sofa. "Hard to believe they let that go, especially with the shortage on furniture we're on."
"They just couldn't say no to my charms." Eternia's lips showed a crooked smile.
Nareen laughed. "Being a model you certainly have quite some charms!"
"I don't understand why you aren't a model yourself, Nareen."
"Oh, don't mock me! I couldn't do that. All I did was stand still while Eph custom fit my outfit."
"Yes, you could! You're so pretty."
"No, I'm not." Nareen blushed.
"Yes you are! I bet if we changed your hairdo you would be even prettier."
"Now stop it! This is embarassing!" Nareen giggled like a little girl.
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